Wednesday, April 12, 2017

A Night Job

 I see him, a decent job, a caring wife and his cheerful kids. All this makes him happy, or so he says. I've only talked to him once. I like to know the person better before I do what I do. I figured once is enough to know a person, I always do."You must free him fast!" the voice I've been familiar with all my life says. "No! this is wrong!" says the other. I've never agreed with him, why does he still try?After all, what is right and what is wrong?The loudest is always right! I must free him fast. It has to be tonight. Until then, I'm stuck here. I like it here, it's a small company, pays well and I don't have to interact with people a lot. I don't have much to do here, just make sure everything's running smoothly and that's job done. The loudest doesn't like me working like other 'Normal' people. He just likes our regular job and so do I. But, the other one has convinced me living and fitting in requires money and some human interaction. He's right, I must fit in, also, I get clients for my regular job here sometimes, like right now. I actually met him here and I've tailed him for some time now. Tonight's the night. I wonder what he'll contribute for my study. Humane emotions and feelings, always interested me. I don't have feelings and emotions so I try to understand them through others. Hasn't helped yet. Hope I'll get something tonight.

 The time's come. He's exiting the building. I won't lose him, I know where he'll go next. Home, where the wife and child are waiting for him to come back so they can have dinner together. I guess they're not gonna have dinner tonight. Aha! The quiet alleyway, this is my chance! He's not aware of my presence, no one ever is. It makes this easier. Convincing people to come with me is rather easy, I just use some chloroform. Now, after I take him to my place everything will be easier.

 The job's done. I didn't get anything good. I hate when fear and pain take the answers away."Why are you doing this? Please, leave me alone! I have a wife and kids! Please, I beg of you! Leave me alone!". His last words, makes me understand humans a bit. I've come to realize humans do think of others too and also that they beg to live. The loud one's pleased with what we did today. He was laughing with joy when I removed the eyes from the socket. The eyes, blinds us from the truth. I'd hoped he'd see that and help me with my study. But the results were quite dissatisfying. Another night ended in the warmth of blood upon my hands.

For the last time....

Today i donned the school uniform, for the one last time. What was a burden for the past twelve years, became a privilege today. All of my schooling, after dissing about this whole system, today i want to wear them, these uncomfortable clothes, which were with me, through hundreds of lessons and thousands of memories. I had absolutely no liking for this uniform, until today. The twelve years, flashing past me in a moment, and then, a feeling like I just got robbed, of all the good times, of all the times I spent complaining, of all the memories. I felt as i was being stripped of my privilege to relive these moments and create new memories with this uniform I hated wearing but now at the end of the day I take them off for the very last time

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A miracle starts with the beat of a heart.... (2)

So the story continues, the tale of Alex and Natalie;

When Natalie read the letter, for some unknown reason she believed that the writer was Alex but unlike her we know it was me. She didn't ask him about the letter but the rumor was spreading and I thought to myself ,"Well, this turned out to be better than expected". So when this started to get a tiny bit out of hand when Alex started going crazy, we told him that it was us. We thought he was gonna burst, and he did but into a laughter. To our amazement he said lets keep it this way.

After the letter incident, Alex and Natalie didn't see each other often, they talked business and nothing else, but there was a kind of a friendship growing. Since both of them were straight A students, naturally a rivalry developed. She had adapted to the new school atmosphere, and was excelling at academics. Subsequently, Alex was making new friends, and was no doubt, doing exceedingly well at studies. They were now growing this frenemy type relation, and sarcastic remarks and playful pranks were common affair. Not only our class but even students from others had heard of this and were eager to find out more.People started teasing them, but usually they themselves had a good laugh about it. There was this one incident, which I in particular have no clue about, where Alex and Natalie had an argument, nothing serious, but for some reason she slapped him. The fun part is, their friendship just grew stronger somehow. They came to know each other better.  Meanwhile, the class just went berserk with their shipping Alex and Natalie, by the name "ALALIE"(there was a way better ship name unfortunate that we had to change the names). They were annoyed sometimes because of it, but mostly didn't mind and the school days flied as usual.

to be continued.....

Monday, April 10, 2017

A miracle starts with the beat of a heart.... (1)

Love is a hilarious thing, one instance you don't care and the next you go fall head over heels for someone but this story has a small twist to it. And soon in the near future you will learn about the two lovebirds starred in this story for now let's just call them Alex and Natalie and by the way these names, they picked them out for each other.

 It was a long day at class and the teacher was late so I was just waltzing around the class when I saw something peculiar. Two of my classmates (or should I say soon to be partners in crime) were planing to prank someone with a love letter and naturally I end up helping them . It was fun honestly and at that time I had no idea that I had been helping to plant the seeds of the relationship between these idiots. We spent the day discussing how to make it as realistic as possible. And phew it sure is hard to write a letter of love without having feelings but we somehow managed to do so. And eventually we came up with a page and a half worth of lovey-dovey stuff and signed it off with "Your Secret Admirer". 

To be continued....

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Where the night lives.....

When the sun goes down and the moon showers the land with its heavenly light, this is the time when the streets of Thamel come to life. The streets filled with the locals and foreigners, music echoing in your ear, lights shining through the night, one will most certainly get lost in this enchantment. Although I haven't been there more than a handful number of times, I believe that this particular is the heart of the night in Kathmandu. Distinguished by the alleys filled with crowded shops and restaurants it is a must to visit if u ever come to the city of temples, Kathmandu.

And I'll be there standing in the corner to show you around.

The Longing

We realise that nothing has changed. We realise we are wrong. But my ego won't let me, and you won't, fill up this vacuum that has appeared out of nowhere.
 One day, I hope we will break the deadlock, and walk again, hand in hand,like friends, as we have for years. We expect so much, and demand so less, which gives dissappointment, and reasons to feed our egos, with whatever is left of the relationship we once had. Things didn't go wrong, they never have.
  You have responsibilities and I have duties, at which you are not failing and nor am I. But we ARE failing, together. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Where It All Begins

As far as i know me, I won't post too often, I almost know it for a fact, but there are some things that just can't be kept in. and so comes this blog into existence.
   I will post everything here, stories, autobiographical accounts, everything that my hands are ready to write and my mind is ready to think of, and it wont be for you, it will be for me,for the tornadoes that build inside me, of thoughts, of ideas, which just won't rest, banging the doors of my mind, bursting to come out, and yet contained, somehow.