Friday, August 11, 2017

A miracle starts with the beat of a heart(5)

It was his last week and all the memories flashed in front of him, all his experiences at this place, all the fun times he had, the only place where he got to know that school is much more than just studies, he was much more than emotionally attached with this school. But alas, it would all be a distant memory in 7 days. But there was something else occupying his mind. He won't get to see Natalie again, possibly ever. In her eyes, he might have settled as a friend, but for him, she still was the girl he loved. Not that it made a difference now, 7 days and then they won't ever meet again, there was really no point in trying.

   The school was mostly empty now, so Alex decided to go to one place he never had, the roof. Everyone knew that the school roof was off limits and no one tried going up there but he did, because this was his last day. What he saw from there was the same things he had seen for past 4 years but it all felt nostalgic and new at the same time, just the perspective changed everything. He sat there, thinking how this simple thing will be his cherished memory some years down the lane. Just then, he heard someone climbing up the stairs to the roof.
He was a little alarmed, what if it was some school staff? Alex had no reason to be where he was. But then, to his relief, he saw a familiar face, his friend Trent. He helped Trent get on the roof. Alex was still confused, "what is he doing here?" he thought. Before he could ask, he got his answer. "I saw you climbing up, thought i should join.", said Trent. Alex wasnt particularly happy about it, he wished for a bit more solitude, "but his company won't hurt" he thought.

   They talked about how these years had changed Alex's life in every which way and made him what he was today and how they will miss everything from fooling around in the class and making puns to annoying the teachers and fighting for the only pencil(which Alex brought) to draw diagrams. It was these little things that made their friendship stronger than they thought.
 "You will miss her won't you?" suddenly Trent asked. Alex was dumbfounded, but managed to say "Who?".
 "Oh come one, you know who i am talking about." said Trent.
Alex sounded an almost inaudible yes.
"Are you two togethe..."
 "NO! NO! nothing like that, just that we are good friends and ..." but Alex stopped mid sentence, he couldn't continue. Trent kept his hand on his shoulder and said "you can tell me Alex, you always can".
Alex couldnt hold his emotional floodgates, and said everything that was to be said, about how he felt and what had been going on for last few months.  When he was done, Trent stood there, looking at him, and giving a look of confidence to him. Alex felt as if a weight had been lifted off his chest.

There was silence for a long time. Suddenly Trent said "Well there is something else too which you should be worried about at the moment, the school staff. Lets get down before someone drags our ass to the principal."
  Alex came back to his own, taking a moment to realise where he was and said "Yeah..., I was just lost for a moment you know, lets get back down."

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Back Story

Being on your own is one thing, you have your own ideology inspired or natural but when you are along someone it's a completely different story espicially in our case. Reading posts on our blog you might have noticed already how different our writing styles and vocabulary are and this shows how differently our minds are tuned and regardless of this mindset we have quite peculiar similarities. To even our amazement we happen to be among those who can spend hours arguing on a topic and then completely forget that we argued on something(and before you ask no we are not gay). And then out of the blue one of us screams at the other for not progressing on the arugument. This post itself arises from one of these tantrums that we throw at some small intervals of days. But because of this I personally realized how deep of a friendship we hold. Wether it be roasting eachother, making puns that wreck the recieving end or laughing at a lame joke we make, this guy right up here is a wierd being I met back in 11 grade; and still have a long way to go to actually know something about; is without a doubt a true partner in crime I cherish.

P.S: will kick him if offered money ;)